Monday, January 28, 2008

yeast infection cure- Effective Tips for natural cure for yeast infection

Yeast infections commonly plague females and men alike and can happen many times within a yr. The good news is that a yeast infection cure may be something quite unforeseen.

What induces a yeast infection?

A yeast fungus termed Candida Albicans lives normally in our bodies in very little amounts. However, a yeast infection will happen as a consequence of Candida over multiplying in reaction to the body being out of balance in some manner. Yeast infections are some of the times associated with the uptake of steroids, antibiotic drugs and oral contraceptive pill. Abnormal stress levels and diabetes have also been recognized to cause yeast infections.

Clinical symptoms of a Yeast Infection

Females will feel burning, redness, and itchiness in the vaginal area. A white discharge that appears like ‘cottage cheese’, a yellow liquid or even a colorless fluid is commonly also present.
Men can additionally contract a yeast infection through unguarded sexual relations with a partner who's a yeast infection. Men with diabetes appear to be prone to yeast infections. Males will undergo itchiness and general irritation in the genital area.

Is There Such a Thing As a Natural Yeast Infection Cure?

Yes! Many natural or holistic curatives have been shown to be efficacious in the area of a yeast infection cure.
One natural remedy is garlic, a natural yeast killer. For maximum potency, enclose garlic in gauze bandage or cheesecloth and put in the pouch into the vagina. Allow it in overnight for a couple of nights in a row and it will likely cure the infection. **NOTE: don't use this method if you're hypersensitive to garlic.**
Plain, sugar-free yogurt can be directly applied to the vagina and vulva areas as a yeast infection cure. Consuming yogurt, which comprises acidophilus, is further useful in holding yeast in the proper balance.
Cranberries are some other natural remedy for yeast infections. Consume cranberries fresh, freshly squeezed (absolutely no sugar added), or take cranberry tablets, which can be found at your local health food shop. **Be sure you're not allergic to cranberries.**
Tea tree oil is accepted as one of the most efficacious yeast infection cure in several parts of the world. To apply, coat a tampon with a lubricating substance and then add some drops of tea tree oil. This is said to kill the yeast infection very rapidly.
One home remedy that seems to work for some females is making a homemade paste by combining slippery elm powder and water and then applying the paste to the external walls of the vagina.
For others, merely the addition of food materials comprising high levels of phytochemicals, such as blueberries and tomatoes, can cure a yeast infection. Regular intake of these food materials has been said to help prevent yeast infections from returning as well.

Prevention of Yeast Infections

There are steps females and men can take to help prevent yeast infections. Try to avoid or limit your consumption of food materials such as milk, dairy products, sugar, flour, junk or processed foods, caffeine and alcohol.
Using a condom (without a lubricating substance) during sexual intercourse will go a long way toward preventing the spread of a yeast infection.
Swimming pools, hot tubs, and other public places where total immersion happens should either be avoided or visited only occasionally.
Use only unscented sanitary pads, panti-liners and tampons and wear cotton clothing and underwears that fit well (nothing tight).

Monday, January 7, 2008

How to Handle a Yeast Infection

The itching, burning sensation that seems to last forever and continually get worse until you are ready to try just about anything, or scream is something only women who have had to deal with a yeast infection understand. An estimated three out of four women will join the ranks of those who have suffered from yeast infections in their lifetimes.

Yeast infections are caused by an imbalance in the PH levels within the vagina. This causes some very unpleasant symptoms to put it nicely. There are several reasons why women get yeast infections. Antibiotics, birth control pills, sexual transmission, diabetes and sensitivity to soaps or douches are frequently the cause.

If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, redness and discharge you shouldn't just assume that it is caused by Candida Albicans (the fungus responsible for yeast infections). There are several other possible vaginal problems that share symptoms with a yeast infection. Discuss treatment with your doctor to rule out bacterial infection and allergic reaction. If you are pregnant do not use treatments for any condition without discussing it with your doctor first.

Once you are sure you have a yeast infection you should start treating the symptoms as quickly as possible so you can be rid of the persistent pain and itching. There are many different treatment options including over the counter anti-fungal creams that can clear up a yeast infection in a few days to a week. For more stubborn yeast infections you can use prescription medication in pill form instead of topical treatments. Most partners receiving gifts, a yeast infection is not what you want to be giving though. If you are sexually active your partner should also be treated for a yeast infection so you don't continue to infect each other.

It is a good idea to find the source of your yeast infection, especially if it happens more than once. Eliminate all possible culprits that are nonessential. If you recently changed your bubble bath or laundry soap they might be the cause. New condoms containing spermicide can also be the culprit. Anything that has recently changed should be looked into first.

Some simple changes in your lifestyle can make you less vulnerable to yeast infections. Wearing loose clothing and cotton underwear help to wick moisture away from the body. Yeast requires a warm, dark, moist place to grow if you eliminate the possible breeding ground for yeast you will reduce your risks.

For some women it is impossible to completely avoid yeast infections. There are times when we have to take antibiotics and other times when a stubborn yeast infection seems to have fallen in love with us and won't leave no matter how hard we reject it. It is possible to reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Keeping in mind what causes a yeast infection and taking precautions to reduce your risk is important. Knowing what to watch for, and what to do once you have a yeast infection, can be greatly helpful to those women who aren't able to completely avoid yeast infections in the future.

Visit us for more information on yeast infection symptoms, treatment of yeast infections and types of yeast infections.

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Natural Cures for Yeast Infection Problems

Anyone who has had a yeast infection will tell you that it is imperative that they get some form of relief quickly.

A yeast infection causes burning and itching and it is just this sort of pain that can drive you wild if left untreated for too long.

Over time, many over the counter remedies have been developed but people who get regular infections often turn to something more natural in an effort to find a long lasting cure instead of a quick fix. These home remedies can bring relief just as quickly as the over the counter versions but usually at a much lower cost.

As with all other medical conditions, prevention is always better than cure and so the first tip is to make sure you are following a sensible eating program and also that you maintain good levels of hygiene for your body.

You need to ensure that you eat the recommended quantities of fruit and vegetables and follow a balanced diet including wholegrains but limit your intake of refined foods, sugar and processed carbohydrates.

In addition, a daily helping of natural, active yoghurt helps to maintain the levels of good bacteria in your body which help to keep conditions like yeast infections in check.

Good personal hygiene is essential to controlling infections in general and you need to make sure that you regularly wash and dry the common areas where you see yeast infection develop such as in and around the crotch and under the armpits.

In addition, make sure that you do not wear clothing that is too tight or restrictive. Your skin needs to breathe and some form of air circulation is essential in preventing a yeast infection from developing.

When it comes to treating the actual symptoms, there are a number of 'home made' cures that work well also.

In addition to ingesting natural yoghurt you could also try applying it directly to the affected area. It is claimed that this achieves two ends, a cooling effect on irritated skin and also application of good bacteria exactly where they are required to help control the yeast.

Alternatively, apple cider vinegar applied directly to the affected area is also supposed to help relieve the itching.

Finally, it is also reported that drinking a solution of olive leaf and grapefruit seed extract mixed in water is a good alternative cure.

As always, it is essential that you first consult your doctor before embarking on any course of treatment especially natural cures for yeast infection problems as these may affect your health in other ways.

Visit Jo White's web site for more natural cures for yeast infections including a remedy that can cure a yeast infection in 12 hours and stop further infections.

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Learning About Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast infections are very common and can normally be treated very easily. There is more than one type of yeast infection, but the vaginal infection is the most common. The first step in treating yeast infection symptoms include learning what signs to look for. If the vagina is sore, irritated, burning and itching then odds are you have a yeast infection. You may feel pain and a burning sensation when urinating and sometimes having sex is can be very painful. If you have these signs you should contact your doctor or start treatment right away to avoid a more serious condition from happening.

If you are having these symptoms for the first time, then you need to see your doctor right away. This is a precaution because these symptoms are associated with many other medical conditions that can be worse than an infection. You also want to clear the problem up as fast as possible to avoid complications. Two other types of yeast infection include skin infection and oral infection. On the skin you may see a red rash or red bumps that itch. In the mouth the lining may be red and sore and it is possible to have creamy yellow looking sores appear.

You do need to keep in mind that these symptoms are also the same signs that are associated with other medical conditions. Some of these can be very serious and should be treated by your doctor so if you are having yeast infection frequently then se your doctor. This is very important for your health and well-being. Men can also get a yeast infection if they have sex with an infected person. The symptoms men should look for is a red rash around the tip of the penis. It can be itchy and painful as well. You may also feel pain or burning when urinating.

It is very important that you understand how important it is for you to see your doctor if you are not sure what is causing your condition. Your health is very important and you don't need to take any unnecessary chances. The symptoms are to close to more serious conditions to take a risk. Your health should be the most important thing to you so you should not hesitate if you feel something is just not right. Go see your doctor toady and get a professional opinion if you are having problems.

Stop stressing over which treatment for yeast infections are the best. Discover natural yeast infection cures guaranteed to work, by visiting

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

What is Yeast infection ?

Millions of people are affected by yeast infections every year. It is particularly seen in the case of women and they are believed to suffer at least one in their whole lifetime. There are a few good reasons which results in the cause of yeast infections. The first one if due to the imbalance caused by the external agents which results in an overabundance of naturally present yeast in the vagina which in turn results in yeast infection. The other is caused due to changes in the vaginal environment. One other cause which leads to yeast infections is the increased intake of substances like antibiotics and consumption of high-sugar diets.

The symptoms of yeast infections might include many factors. Out of them the most prominent ones are vaginal irritation, itching of the rectal opening, pregnancy, diabetes, intake of high carbohydrate, suppressed immune system, oral contraceptives, non-ventilation clothing and hot weather.Another common sign of yeast infection is green discharge from the vagina. The minor causes can be irritants like soaps, new detergents and other kinds of chemical products. People should be aware of the fact that yeast infections can be diagnosed with the help of proper medication and a medical professional. Over-the-counter medications are also available for the women who had already gone in to diagnose the disease earlier. The women should also know that sometimes they are also misled in believing that they are actually suffering from yeast infections when actually the disease is far more serious like that of chlamydia or gonorrhea. Sometimes the women also take antibiotics without even being aware of the problem and these sorts of foolishness causes problems later in their life in future when they have a real infection caused by yeast. The most common signs that can make you aware when you are suffering from yeast infections are the consistency and the odor of the vaginal discharge, itching in the vaginal area and general soreness in the vaginal area.

While diagnosing the problem of yeast infection your medical provider might ask you to perform a medical exam. The vaginal discharge extracted during the medical exams is then diagnosed to see whether there is presence of yeast or not. During the time in which you are undergoing the medication it is important to use a latex barrier during sexual intercourse so that the infection would not be passed on to the partner. One should always be aware of the symptoms of the yeast infection. The most common yeast infection is yellow or white vaginal discharge which has an odor. Several women experience an itching or burning sensation. If you have never suffered from infection you should immediately consult a doctor when you see any symptoms of yeast infection. You should not however take any antibiotics if you suffer from any kind of problems. Be aware of the causes and take prevention from beforehand.

Acidophilus for yeast infection

The word bacteria might actually send a chill down the spine at the very thought of some disease. However, there are several billions of bacteria that reside in our body. All bacteria are not bad. There are bacteria which are good for the body and help the body in several ways. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is one such very important bacteria that works in our favor.

Why Acidophilus Is Essential to Your Health
Lactobacillus Acidophilus is an important bacteria that is good for our health:

* Acidophilus works as a natural antibiotic protecting our body from harmful bacteria that causes parasitic infections and also those which cause several kinds of infections like for instance urinary, vaginal and respiratory tract infection.

* Acidophilus has the power of producing vitamin B5, B6, B12, biotin and niacin.

* It helps in keeping your cholesterol levels under control.

* The bacteria also contribute to the digestion of food.

* It decreases the risk of colon cancer and thus, plays a very important role providing us several benefits.

Antibiotics work as an effective cure for several diseases, however, the damage that antibiotics can do to your intestines is tremendous. For instance a throat infection is cured with antibiotics but the antibiotic first passes through the GI tract of the patient before it actually starts working towards curing the throat infection. The GI tract has a delicate balance between the various bacteria and other organisms residing there. The antibiotic without making any kind of difference between the good and the bad bacteria destroys all bacteria in the GI tract. However, the yeast does not get destroyed with the antibiotic and with the bacteria out of the way, the yeast multiply rapidly and take up the entire place. This is the reason why it is observed that many people who are on antibiotics also develop yeast infection. It is important or essential to take acidophilus while having antibiotics. Acidophilus for yeast infection is a major preventive factor.

Acidophilus for yeast infection is very effective as acidophilus works against Candida and also Gardenerella. Gardenerella is seen to be a major reason causing vaginal bacterial infection. Acidophilus solution may be used for a vaginal douche for curing vaginal infection. Acidophilus for yeast infection is an effective cure even in case of a vaginal yeast infection. Taking acidophilus could also have an effect in treating vaginal yeast infection. Consult your physician at the earliest before the condition worsens.

Having antibiotics can also lead to urinary tract infections. Antibiotics destroy the bacteria both good and bad and therefore can cause repeated urinary infections. The cure that is prescribed for recurrent urinary infections is the acidophilus vaginal suppository.

Acidophilus thus, comes to play a major role in curing several infections in the body caused as a result of antibiotic therapy. From the above observations it is evident that not all bacteria are harmful, acidophilus does only good to our body. It provides tremendous benefits and cure from several diseases. It is a proven tried and tested cure for yeast infections.

Yeast infection due to sexual intercourse

Yeast infection often referred to as “Candidiasis” is actually a fungal infection. Yeast infection is more commonly seen in the vagina. The yeast infection due to sexual intercourse can affect a male too. It is commonly seen among men who are not circumcised. Studies have shown that a female has at some point of the other in her life been exposed to yeast infection cause due to Candida Albicans. It is seen that the yeast infection resides in the vagina. However, it is not known to cause any major harm. Yeast infection due to sexual intercourse is the most common manner in which yeast infection is transmitted. Unprotected sex exposes you to the dangers of yeast infection.

A wonderful act of expressing one emotions can actually be ruined with yeast infection due to sexual intercourse that is transmitted from one partner to the other. The yeast infection then can make this pleasurable act absolutely distressing with all the pain, burning sensation and itching that it can cause. The yeast infection due to sexual intercourse can actually harm the vulva, the labia and the vagina leading to the symptoms of itching, burning and also irritation making the whole sexual act a displeasure. It makes the vaginal area very sensitive and sometimes the woman may even experience pain on contact. Sexual intercourse would aggravate this pain and if there is no adequate lubrication it can only make matters worse causing severe pain and burning.

The risk factor of indulging in a sexual intercourse while undergoing treatment for a yeast infection is very high. The suppositories and creams tat are prescribed for the treatment of the yeast infection can have an adverse impact on the latex condom and the condom may burst. This can expose you to the risk of either pregnancy or STD (sexually transmitted disease). It is advisable to be patient and allow some time for the treatment to be completed and the yeast infection to be cured especially if you do not have a steady partner and are not sure of your present partner’s health status. Using a condom in such a situation is a must but do wait for the treatment to finish before indulging in any kind of sexual activity.

Unprotected sex with a woman who is suffering from a yeast infection can result in the male too being infected. While an infected man may not display any symptoms whatsoever if a woman has sexual intercourse with a man infected with the yeast infection then she would again be cross infected. It is advisable that both partners get treated for a yeast infection to avoid cross infecting and lead a happy satisfactory sexual life. It is important that both are treated at the same time so that each does not end up again infecting the other partner and you are able to put am end to this vicious cycle. Put an end to the yeast infection once and for all and enjoy a normal happy sex life without any tensions or worries.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Prevent Yeast Infection

In fact, you may well have gotten the infection from a partner with a yeast infection. Partners can pass the problem back and forth so unless both partners are treated, it can turn into a seemingly endless cycle. If you do have it, getting free of systemic yeast infection can revolutionize your health, and give you the youthful vitality and wellness you never thought you'd see again.

Because the bacteria which cause a this type of penile contamination that affects the genital area have over-multiplied from the numbers normally present in the human body, consuming yogurt, smoothies, buttermilk or other products which contain active cultures can cure the infection by restoring the natural balance. This is why their regular consumption is advised to help prevent yeast infection. Although a woman may be able to obtain treatment for her vaginal yeast infection and find that they are getting better after a few days and the man does not have any form of treatment then in all likelihood he will then transmit it back to the woman. (In fact, the vaginal yeast infection is really the only "women-only" condition related to Candida. Men who are HIV-positive are also at greater risk for contracting such a problem.

A yeast infection (also referred to as "Candida" and "thrush") is a common occurrence amongst females, with medical authorities estimating that at least three quarters of all women will experience one at least once during their lives. One of the best ways of ensuring that you do not transmit it to your partner if you are suffering from a male yeast infection is to abstain from any form of sexual activity. Yet another cause can be undetected or uncontrolled diabetes and proper monitoring of sugar and insulin levels is widely known to prevent yeast infection.

Yeast infection Vaginal

In fact, quite often the man got it from coming in contact with his sexual partner who had an active vaginal yeast infection. There are also instances of such vaginal infections in children. Although a woman may be able to obtain treatment for her problem and find that they are getting better after a few days and the man does not have any form of treatment then in all likelihood he will then transmit it back to the woman.

The same creams used by women can be used by men for treating the male variety but it is medically sound to use the above mentioned preventative measures to help prevent yeast infection.

Chronic Yeast infection

In future articles, I'll go more in-depth about the steps I've taken to cure my chronic yeast infection.

For people with a serious or chronic yeast infection here is a solution that has worked for many people CLICK HERE

However, this is only for people who are seriously looking to prevent yeast infection permanently.
Chris Young writes on various topics. You can also find more info at the following blog

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Yeast Infection Remedy

A yeast infection is caused by the Candida Albicans yeast that lives harmlessly inside all of us. Yeast infections are caused by a mutation of the Candida yeast that is usually harmless, but has become aggressive, and will need to be treated for the infection to clear. Yeast infections are normally easy to treat and do not become dangerous as long as they diagnosed and treated properly.

Symptoms of a typical infection for women may include: Vaginal itching Vaginal irritation Thick, white, possibly curd-like vaginal discharge Redness, swelling, and/or cracking of the vulvar skin Burning sensation during urination Itching of the rectal opening and pain during sexual intercourse. For most women an infection are is just an irritating part of life.

A remedy for a yeast infection is rarely difficult and often involves one of many oral or vaginal anti-fungal medications. Treatment may require a long course of anti-fungal medications, painting the vagina and vulva with a purple medication called gentian violet, or using certain suppositories on a nightly or weekly basis. Treatment is successful more than 90 percent of the time and most vaginal infections clear up within one week.

Most yeast infections are often treated with antifungal drugs, which may be over the counter or a prescription. Yet one of the major causes in developing a this kind of problem is the use of antibiotics which effect ones overall health.

Natural remedies can also cure an infection. Natural remedies are often better in healing yeast infections. The best way to get rid of Candida is not by taking drugs or antibiotics, but by Candida cleansing with anti-fungal, dieting, and living a more healthier lifestyle (one filled with physical activity and happiness). Some doctors believe that a well-balanced diet low in fats, sugars, and refined foods is important for preventing vaginal infections caused by Candida. Yogurt has long been used to battle these infections, either as a cream or by adding it to the diet.

Natural yogurt (I recommend Organic yogurt) contains live acidophilus bacteria (specifically lactobacillus acidophilus). The bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, which occurs naturally in healthy vaginas will kill off excess yeast. Eating the yogurt can assist your body in building up the better up a better acidophilus count in your body. If you don't like to take prescription medicines, then consider natural cures.

There are ways to help prevent and speed recovery from yeast infections. Avoid using irritating sprays, douches, perfumed soaps, bath oils and salts in the genital area. Deodorant tampons or pads, colored or perfumed toilet paper, tear-off fabric softeners can all promote yeast growth.

You should also avoiding tight fitting clothing as it helps by decreasing body heat and moisture in the vaginal area. Avoid wearing tight pantyhose or tight pants as much as possible. Stick with natural undergarments made with cotton as nylon or other non ventilating materials don't let your skin breath properly. Getting out of a wet bathing suit or damp clothing quickly will also help reduce the risks.

When dealing with an active infection you should avoid activities which might result in excessive exertion or sweating. Sweating should be avoided, until the condition is relieved. Antibiotics should be avoided if you have a history of infections. Using natural fabrics will also help you recover faster. It is also recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse until things are cleared up.

Diet also plays a role in your health and yes it effect yeast infections also. In one preliminary trial, avoidance of sugar, dairy products, and artificial sweeteners resulted in a sharp reduction in the incidence and severity of Candida virginities. There are several products that contain acidophilus so if you aren't into yogurt you can take pills that have the good bacteria your body needs.

A yeast infection remedy that really works is prevention. Live a healthy life. Get exercise, sunshine, fresh air, reduce meat intake, get plenty of water, relax and love life more!

Learn How to Killing Your Yeast Infection in 12 Hours!

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Yeast infection on scrotum

Yeast infection in men is not a very commonly discussed issue leaving them with very little knowledge about the disease as such and also its cure. The line of treatment that must be used and which method would prove to be more effective still remains unknown to many. Most discussions about yeast infections deal with women and yeast infection and so there is not much information on yeast infection in males and how to cope with it.

Prevention is the best cure for these diseases. The first and most important rule is prevention. Avoid getting a yeast infection. It is difficult to find any medicine just checking at a pharmacy that treats yeast infection. There are very few medicines that are a cure for male yeast infection. You will find a number of medicines for treating yeast infections in females. There would be a number of products like creams, vaginal suppositories, capsules, ointments that aid in treating the female yeast infection. There is no specific medicine available for treating yeast infections in males.

Yeast infection on scrotum may display symptoms like itching, burning sensation and can be treated with creams that are available over the counter for treating itching in females of the labia or the vulva. The creams can be used for curing males of the yeast infection on scrotum as well. The cream or ointment must be applied to the infected area as per directions. These creams and ointments is a tried and tested effective cure for treating yeast infection in males. The medicated cream or ointment must be applied to the infected area whether it is the scrotum, the penis or the other genital areas. Yeast infection on scrotum can also be cured by the use of these medicated creams or ointments. Proper use and that too for the prescribed time period and in the instructed manner can bring relief to the person. It is a treatment that would require some amount of time so do not expect instant results.

The yeast infection affects the genital areas and can cause symptoms like itching and burning and also a lot of discomfort. You must get fully treated before indulging in any sexual activities. It is safer to keep off for some time so as not to infect your partner as well.

Wash and clean just before going to bed. Wear a clean dry underwear so that the cream is not all over the place. Use the cream as directed for the mentioned time period. Yeast infections in males of a mild nature can be cured by taking food with acidophilus content like for instance yogurt. You would derive instant benefits from such acidophilus rich food supplements. The acidophilus works to control and also provides a cure to the yeast infection. This goes to show the importance of acidophilus in treating yeast infections whether in males or females.


Yeast infection signs

Yeast infection signs may not be visible at all till a certain stage when it becomes chronic. You may at times not even be aware that you are suffering from a yeast infection. The symptoms if seen may at times be very confusing and you may not be able to actually know that it is caused by the yeast infection. The symptoms maybe the same as that of some other infection and may be hard to make out accurately. At the very first sign or symptom itself you must consult your doctor. This would help in making the diagnosis at the right time and your doctor would also be able to prescribe the right treatment for the same.

If you have made the diagnosis with the yeast infection signs on your own and would like to treat it yourself then drugs like Monistat may be of help. However, it would be better to try out some natural cure first for treating the yeast infection. Using medication for a prolonged period of time may make your body immune to it and thus, it would not react in the desired manner. The medicine may fail to actually have any effect. This is when natural methods of treatment can be more useful.

Yeast infection signs that are commonly observed include itching, vaginal discharge, rashes, pain experienced at the time of sexual intercourse, swelling of the vulva, soreness in the infected area and a burning sensation. Itching can be very irritating and can cause a lot of discomfort. Itching could be very embarrassing and thus, can have an adverse impact on one’s daily life as well. Use the prescribed medication, it would provide you relief from your yeast infection symptoms. Some natural cures for treating or controlling itching include applying Aloe Vera Juice on the infected area. Take a little in a piece of cotton and apply on the infected area. Some other symptoms or signs of yeast infection include pain experienced during sexual intercourse and also burning sensation while passing urine. This can hamper your day to day life causing a lot of discomfort and difficulty. The symptoms of a yeast infection must be treated at the onset itself to avoid any further complications.

Vaginal discharge is another sign of a yeast infection. The intensity of the condition or the type of infection may vary depending on the vaginal discharge-its texture and smell. The vaginal discharge may be odorless and milky white, it may have a very pungent smell, it may present in a very thick consistency or may even be yeast like in appearance.

Yeast infections must not be taken lightly. A doctor must be consulted at the onset itself so that you do have the required time for treatment before any further complications set in. In case you have been getting repeated infections then serious attention must be paid and immediate treatment must be started without allowing conditions to worsen further. Consulting a qualified medical practitioner would also confirm that the infection is actually a yeast infection and is not any other infection.

What causes yeast infections

Yeast infection can both be troublesome as well as one that causes discomfort. There are symptoms of yeast infection that can actually hamper our daily lives. For those who are actually suffering from a yeast infection you would know as to how difficult it is to cope with one. The itching, burning sensation and also pain during intercourse can cause you a lot of embarrassment and also create problems in your day to day lives. The very thought of the symptoms can actually be distressing. For understanding yeast infections and the line of treatment that can be used for curing a yeast infection we must first and foremost understand as to what causes yeast infections. Understanding the cause of the yeast infection would make it easier to decide the line of treatment for treating the yeast infection effectively.

It would be alarming to unravel the fact that the over the counters creams that are a treatment for yeast infections are what causes yeast infections. Prolonged use of the cream can make the treatment in effective and the cream may destroy the milder yeast leaving the stronger immune yeasts to multiply further. The yeast become immune to the creams and thus, does not respond to the line of treatment. The yeast become resistant and the yeast infection cannot be treated anymore with the over the counter medicated creams.

Having sex with an infected partner is what causes yeast infections. Every time a person indulges in a sexual encounter with another person who is suffering from a yeast infection he is in effect infecting the other person by transmitting the disease. A male with a yeast infection would 9 out of 10 times show no symptoms at all and therefore, this male would unknowingly infect his partner.

The use of antibiotics for a long period of time is another factor that causes yeast infections. The antibiotics work to cure a particular disease but along with curing the disease it also kills bacteria both good and bad. The good bacteria out of the way the bad bacteria can actually multiply and create more complications. The rapid growth of the yeast can cause yeast infection. Birth control pills and also cortisone drugs can be a causative factor for yeast infections.

Yeast infection may also be caused due to a number of other reasons like poor diet and nutrition, repeated douching and the changes in the hormone levels. Pregnancy, diabetes and also a poor immune system can result in a yeast infection. Any symptoms whatsoever must be communicated to your medical practitioner so that the yeast infection can be treated early on itself before giving it time to create any further complications. The sins of a yeast infection may be same as that of any other infection and so it is important to consult your doctor so that the right diagnosis is made. It is better to rule out any other problems or complication at the very beginning itself.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Yeast infections in women have been particular cause of concern. An understanding of why such an infection occurs is very important. A strain of the yeast family, scientifically known as Candida Albicans is present in the vagina of a woman who falls within the child bearing age group. Such a strain of yeast causes infection if it is not countered.

The interesting part is that the counter attack for such a yeast infection is with the help of a bacterium that goes by the scientific name of Lactobacillus acidophilus. This bacterium also naturally occurs in the vagina itself. Therefore, at any point when the quantity of bacteria falls short of countering the yeast attacks, there is an infection, which results in much itching and burning in the region.

Knowledge of the cause is necessary to find out if yeast infections can be remedied at home. Now it has been found out that home remedies are easily available for yeast infections. As mentioned above yeast infection occurs when the balance between the infection causing strain of yeast and the countering strain of bacteria fall out of balance. The remedies that can be tried at home must be those which help in regaining of this balance, curing the yeast infection.

The following is a simple guide to the number of options one has in case one is struck by such an ailment:

- First let us consider all the external remedies for the infection that would include making concoctions to apply to the affected region to subside the burning. But in many cases such concoctions would help only to relieve the itch, and not cure the infection completely. The following can be aapplied to the affected region

* Diluted apple cider vinegar, to which garlic can be added
* One teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide diluted in one cup of water
* Solution of 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice in a quarter cup of water
* Paste of elm powder in water
* Juice of aloe vera

- Apart from these there are tonics and solutions that can be prepared at home in order to be internally consumed to help cure the infection faster. This can be done alongside the application of the paste and juice mentioned above.

* Consumption of two glasses of buttermilk every day
* Including curd and related products to the daily diet helps prevent the occurrence of such an infection.
* Grapefruit seeds and olive leaves can be extracted and taken with a glass full of water

Causes of oral yeast infections

Everybody now knows the cause of the most common oral fungal infection. It is caused by the yeast called Candida, which is also regarded as a normal constituent of the tracts, which are connected with digestion and vagina. Also known as Monilia, Candida is the name of a large group of yeast-like fungi. This type of fungus is also commonly found in nature. The particular yeast organism known, as Monilia albicans in this group is the cause behind ‘candidiasis’ also known as ‘moniliasis’. However one should also be aware of the four clinical forms of oral candidias, which are:

* Moniliasis or thrush, which is a smooth creamy white or yellow coating on any of the oral surface.
* Hyperplastic or chronic which is an extra tissue that cannot be wiped off readily. It might also appear as discolored due to the food or tobacco stains.
* Erythematous are the peeling red patches, which can be commonly observed on the palate and the tongue.
* Angular Cheilitis are red cracks, which can be seen developing at the corners of the mouth and is covered by a pseudo membrane. Sometimes it occurs with other with other forms of candidiasis and at other times it appears seperately.

The causes of oral yeast infections are also the most common reason for the burning and itching sensation in the vagina part as well as the vaginal discharge. It is also known by all that yeasts are most commonly found in the vagina of almost all the women-folk and can even overgrow at an extreme extent if the environmental condition of the vagina changes. Two main reasons for the growth of yeast in the vagina are antibiotic and steroid. One should also be aware of the fact that menstruation cycle, pregnancy, diabetes, sperm and birth control pills are some of the prime reasons that can lead to a yeast infection. One will be surprised to know that it is even a more common thing after menopause. In people who are suffering from a weak immune system these infections can go to a life-threatening extent. In this case the blood, eye, brain, heart and kidney are most commonly affected. But it has also been concluded after many researches that fungus can even grow in the liver, lungs and spleen. You will be surprised to know that oral yeast infection can also become the cause of inflammation of throat in those people who are suffering from AIDS.

The factors, which can predispose to the development of candidiasis, can be dietary folate or iron deficiencies. In fact most of the predisposing conditions can cause decreased salivary flow. It can also lead to decreased excretion of immunoglobulins in the saliva. Uses of devices in the skin can also cause oral yeast infections. High carbohydrate diet also increases the adhesive property of the yeast to oral tissue. It is suggested by the medical practitioners that you undergo proper medication to get rid of oral yeast infection.

Armpit Yeast Infection

What is armpit yeast infection? Don’t worry, this isn't nearly as complicated as you imagine. So lets cover in detail about armpit yeast infection.

When we talk about a yeast infection, we are actually referring to the abundant growth of far too many yeast cells in specific areas of the body. Usually these areas are damp and moist so yeast infections mushroom most easily around the armpits as well as the genital area. When the yeast infection is rampant around the armpits, it is naturally called as an armpit yeast infection which causes considerable itching, soreness, and irritation.

Unlike what you may have initially imagined, yeast infections are quite a common occurrence but it is extremely an irritating and troublesome condition to tackle because of the intense discomfort that it can cause.

A majority of the yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans. Thus, Candida can be best termed as a specific type of yeast that already exists in every human body. But you would have cause for serious worry when the numbers of this yeast rapidly grows into bigger numbers that cant be controlled by you.

Sometimes, this yeast infection can be a result of hormonal imbalance or the result of some health problems so only a doctor can really determine the exact factors that triggered this condition.

The most irritating thing when you suffer or undergo the problem of having a yeast infection is that it causes a lot of itching around the area which can be so socially embarrassing as well as uncomfortable, particularly if you are attending college or working in a particular establishment.

Another bothersome aspect linked with armpit yeast infection is that it would really hamper your experience to enjoy good, satisfying sex as well. If your armpits are constantly itching, it just wouldn’t be possible for you to relax and enjoy sex comfortably with your partner because it would make you experience a lot of itching and discomfort as well.

Whenever you aren't too sure about whether or not you are suffering from armpit yeast infection or even some other kind of skin related infection, don’t let it bother you too much or worry unnecessarily about it. The best thing for you to do is go ahead and just visit your doctor. Don’t try to self medicate and worsen your condition. Always rely on the doctor’s diagnosis and follow the recommended course of treatment.

If you prefer to have some kind of natural cure for the armpit yeast infection, here are some tips to get you started easily:

Make it a point to consume more portions of yogurt in your daily diet because yogurt has bacteria with beneficial ability to counterattack and eradicate your yeast infection. In fact, you can see how effectively this would work if you apply yogurt topically.

Another option you can consider is to buy the capsule which contains the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. You can get it from your local pharmacy store at any time.
A very easy home remedy is vinegar which you are bound to keep stock of at home. Then, all you need to do is clean the armpit area with a diluted solution of 3 tablespoons of vinegar in a quart of water twice weekly.

With these tips, your armpit yeast infection is bound to subside considerably.